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Čestlice: zataženo 4°C

Diving courses

Dive courses

Overcome yourself 

You do not know a thing about scuba diving, but you always wanted to give it a try? Or are you already a certified diver who wants to try something new, to refresh your skills or to test new equipment? Or are you perhaps an instructor looking for a teaching job? Choose for yourself! A dive pit reservation calendar is available HERE.

Take up diving
For certified divers
For diving instructors

INTRO DIVE – experience scuba diving
Have you ever watched divers with their tightly fitting dry suits, entangled in all sorts of tubes, disappearing with bottles under the surface and wondered how it was down there? With us, you do not have to be afraid to try it for yourself!

What can you expect?

  • A one-hour programme with an experienced diving instructor.
  • We will explain basic theory to you – you will learn details of the safe diving principles, the equipment, the underwater breathing and the underwater communication.
  • You yourself will try to set up the equipment, of course, under the supervision and with the help of an instructor.
  • You will take a dive to see how easy it actually is.
  •  Most importantly, you will have a lot of fun.

Moreover, we will take pictures of your adventure free of charge so that you can “show off” in front of family and friends.

Dive with us to a depth of up to eight metres!
A regular swimming pool is not enough and you want to enjoy your intro dive to the full? No problem. In Čestlice, you can go straight up to a depth of 8 metres in our dive pit.

Snorkelling in the pit
You go to the seaside regularly and you like snorkelling but you would like to improve your skills a bit? With us, only one hour full of fun will do the trick.

Our experienced diver will explain to you:

  • A few theoretical details,
  • How to prepare a mask to avoid fogging,
  • How to use swimfins properly,
  • How not to drown with a snorkel,
  • How to breathe underwater properly.

You will dive in an 8 metre-deep dive pit and the most skilful will go all the way down to its bottom.

Do you want to try?
Get your first diving experience and come to  Aquapalace Čestlice.
Contact: Adéla Beranová,
Available dates for the dive pit can be found in the  reservations table.

Price list:
The following prices already include the admission to the dive pit – you do not need to pay the admission to the Water Park.

  • Trial dive with diving equipment – CZK 750
  • Snorkelling in the pit  – freediving intro – CZK 650

Price list for visitors with an admission to the Aquapalace Praha:
Price list for those who want to buy the dive directly in the Water Park and already have a valid admission ticket to the entire complex.

  • Scuba diving in the swimming pool – 500 CZK (trial dive I)
  • Scuba diving in the dive pit – 400 CZK (trial dive II)
  • Snorkelling in the pit – CZK 300

The price of all courses includes the following:

  • A complete equipment rental,
  • An experienced diving instructor at your disposal,
  • Free photos of the whole adventure.

Would you like to come to Čestlice to the dive pit and are you already are a certified diver? Nothing stands in the way! Just write to and for the attractive price of CZK 200 per person you can use the dive pit on your own!
If, to be on the safe side, you also wish an instructor, whether because you do not have a buddy or just to make you feel more confident, no problem. Just tell us what you need and we will arrange it.
The admission to pit will cost you CZK 200 per person per hour and a half (net hour in the pit).

Divers Direct, due to its cooperation with the Aquapalace Praha, can now offer the dive pit to all instructors, divemasters and diving schools for their various courses.
The dive pit is 8 metres deep and it is suitable for all existing diving schools which can move a part of their course here, as well as to beginning instructors and divemasters who want to start their diving schools. The enticing setting can also attract new future divers to take part in intro dives.

To our dive pit, you can literally come with just a towel and a swimsuit; all the rest is readily available for you:

  • The dive pit;
  • The equipment rental directly at the pit including a compressor;
  • An area for teaching theory;

In fact, Divers Direct offers a turnkey diving school. The instructors arrive at Čestlice, they collect the equipment for themselves and their students from a securely locked private area and jump straight into the water with their students just besides. After the end of the lesson, they hang the dry suit on a hanger and go home. No dragging of bottles and equipment to the car and out of it and no commuting outside Prague.

Does it sound interesting? Get in touch with us at and go for it!

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